Month: February 2023

Sports Gambling Content Partner

Gannett Menemukan Mitra Konten Judi Olahraga

Gannett Co., Inc., pemilik merek USA TODAY, mengumumkan “kemitraan strategis” multi-tahun dengan afiliasi perjudian online. Berdasarkan perjanjian tersebut, Grup akan memberikan konten kepada Gannett. Ketentuan kesepakatan itu tidak diungkapkan. Taruhan olahraga saat ini legal di lebih dari 30 negara bagian, dengan taruhan lebih dari $190 miliar di seluruh negeri sejak Mahkamah Agung AS membatalkan […]

11 Top World's Sunglasses Brands Part 1

11 Top World’s Sunglasses Brands Part 1

Kacamata Rayban – Below are the Top 11 World’s Sunglasses Brands Part 1, cited from Menang Kalah Seri : 1. RayBanArguably the most well-known sunglasses brand in the world. The mix parlay company is an automatic inclusion in any list of the best brands of glasses. Founded in 1937, Ray-Ban glasses is an American company. It was bought by Italian giant […]

Powerball Jackpot Climbs

Jackpot Powerball Naik Mendekati $1 Miliar

Menyusul jackpot Mega Jutaan $ 1,3 miliar pada bulan Januari, Powerball sekarang berkembang ke ketinggian yang luar biasa. Jackpot Powerball adalah sekitar $747 juta ($403,1 juta nilai tunai) untuk pengundian Senin, 6 Februari. Jika seorang pemain memenangkan jackpot hari Senin, itu akan mendapat peringkat sebagai jackpot Powerball terbesar kelima dan jackpot lotre AS terbesar kesembilan. […]


Upcoming Release of Augmented Reality and Smart Glasses Part 1

Kacamata Rayban – According to Mix Parlay, here are 5 out of the 10 upcoming release of AR or Smart Glasses : 1. Moverio BT-200An augmented reality headset which is able to see HD contents (3D supported). It also improves augmented reality experience when using menang kalah seri applications related to AR. This handset comes […]

Types of Smart Glasses

Types of Smart Glasses

Kacamata Rayban – Smart Glasses and Augmented Reality (AR) or Mixed Reality (MR) Head Mounted Displays (HMDS) are wearable devices linking the physical world or virtual world using various heads-up displays. With AR or MR devices, digital projections overlap with physical objects in real life, providing contextual information. Some even allow the user to visually manipulate […]

Playing Online Poker In The USA

Semua yang Perlu Anda Ketahui Tentang Bermain Poker Online Di AS

Poker adalah aktivitas yang kompleks namun mengasyikkan. Itu salah satu permainan judi langka yang membutuhkan lebih banyak keterampilan daripada keberuntungan. Namun, bukan berarti tidak cocok untuk pemula. Permainan kartu yang populer sangat ideal untuk semua jenis penjudi, karena Anda selalu dapat bersaing dengan pemula pada awalnya, bermain dengan jumlah yang lebih kecil, atau bahkan gratis. […]

Types of Smart Glasses

Types of Smart Glasses

Kacamata Rayban – Smart Glasses and Augmented Reality (AR) or Mixed Reality (MR) Head Mounted Displays (HMDS) are wearable devices linking the physical world or virtual world using various heads-up displays. With AR or MR devices, digital projections overlap with physical objects in real life, providing contextual information. Some even allow the user to visually manipulate […]

Eyeglass Lens

Eyeglass Lens

Kacamata Rayban – Lenses As technology advances, so do the lenses. In the past, they were made entirely of glass. Today, most are made of high-tech plastics. These new ones are lighter, they do not break as easily as glass, and can be treated with a filter to protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays (UV). […] Mix parlay , Menang Kalah Seri , MKS, Judi Bola, Paket Bola Mix parlay , Menang Kalah Seri , MKS, Judi Bola, Paket Bola

Online since 2016, is a pioneer and a leader in online football judi bola betting – recognized worldwide by professional and sharp bettors as “Where New Mix Parlay Originates”.  Powered by one of the most experienced and established oddsmaking operations in Manila – Philippines, the legacy is its reputation – earned each and every day by never kicking out winners and […]

David Yan

David Yan Memenangkan Acara PokerStars Caribbean Adventure $50.000 Buy-In Six-Max Untuk $485.690

David Yan mencatat rekor skor terbesar ketiga dalam karir turnamen pokernya minggu ini, mengalahkan 2023 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure $50.000 buy-in no-limit hold’em six-max event seharga $485.690. Yan hanya mendapatkan dua pembayaran yang lebih besar ketika dia menjadi runner-up dalam roller tinggi €50.000 di seri European Poker Tour Barcelona tahun lalu seharga $619.565 dan ketika dia […]