Can I Schedule a Cheating Day on a Diet?

Cheating day refers to the day when you are on a diet, you can eat any food, including those that are usually prohibited on a diet. For example, junk food, soft drinks, instant noodles and others. After the cheating day ends, you have to follow the dietary rules as usual.

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There are pros and cons in dealing with cheating day. There are those who consider cheating days not to be done for the sake of a long-term healthy life. Meanwhile, there are those who consider cheating days to be allowed as long as the portions are right. Chinese Food

Cheating Day Benefits

  • Provide motivation to stay on the diet program. According to research in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, diet participants who underwent cheating days experienced a similar weight loss than those who were on a continuous diet.
  • Allows someone to come up with a specific strategy for dealing with temptation while on a strict diet. Western Food
  • Increase metabolism and replenish depleted glycogen. In addition, cheat days can also keep the body in the fat burning phase.
  • Complementing the lack of calories during the diet program is ongoing.

Disadvantages of Cheating Day

  • There are researchers who reveal that cheating days trigger unhealthy eating patterns and make someone more greedy and unable to control appetite.
  • Cheating days are days of revenge, so that one person consumes large amounts of food. Indonesian Food
  • Make food an escape from stress. If cheating days are not scheduled or tend to be done only when stressed, then this can trigger someone to overeat with uncontrolled and frequent intensity of time. Not even thin, it could be a wasted diet and make you gain weight.

Correct Cheating Day Rules

Based on the advantages and disadvantages above, you can sort and choose and assess yourself, whether you can anticipate these potential losses or not. If you can’t, you should avoid cheating days so that your diet runs smoothly. If you can, you have to do a cheating day with the right rules.

1 Create a Healthy version of Favorite Food

For example, one of your favorite foods is junk food or fast food such as pizza, burgers, and others. You can make these foods at home so they are healthier than when you bought them. By making your own, of course the ingredients used are healthier and do not contain preservatives. Berita Sepakbola

2 Eat Slowly

No need to rush and be greedy when eating your favorite food. You can take it slowly and enjoy it. This is certainly good for digestion and makes you full faster.

3 Limit Portions and Make Sure Not to Overdo it

Make sure to eat food with a balanced portion and not excessive. Count the calories that enter the body, try not to exceed your calorie needs. If necessary, just consume one portion to keep it from going overboard.

4 Balance with Exercise

During a cheating day, it doesn’t mean you can act freely. Especially with the consumption of foods that tend to have more calories than other days. For that, you must balance it with exercise to burn these excess calories so they don’t turn into fat.

Those are the advantages and disadvantages of cheating days as well as the proper and safe rules for doing it. Cheating days are fine as long as they are done in the right way. But for those of you who are afraid of going too far, you are still allowed not to cheat on the day. Everything returns to your body condition and characteristics.

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