Chinese Food

Chinese Food

Diet, Try This Herbal Drink Recipe

we just commemorated World Obesity Day. Of course, many people currently want to live healthier, one of which is by doing a diet so that obesity does not occur. There are many ways that can be taken to help lose weight. In addition to maintaining a diet so as not to enlarge the stomach and […]

Chinese Food

The Development of the Original Kimchi Recipe from Time to Time, Initially Not Using Cabbage

The Development of the Original Kimchi Recipe from Time to Time, Initially Not Using Cabbage Kimchi is one of the popular specialties from Korea. The large number of citizens making kimchi makes the country’s kitchen the “healthiest kitchen” when compared to other countries. This sour-spicy fermented vegetable can be served as a side dish to […]

Chinese Food

Mango Sticky Rice Recipe, Thai Dessert

Mango Sticky Rice is a popular dessert from Thailand made with sticky rice, coconut milk and fresh mango. Not only in Thailand, this food is quite widely consumed in various regions, especially Southeast Asia and South Asia. Chinese Food The following is a proven Mango Sticky Rice recipe from DapurVY that has been tried by […]

Chinese Food

Chicken Wings Recipe By Chef Devina Hermawan’s

Fried chicken can be the right choice of delicious dishes for your beloved family. You can coat it with kriuk and krispi flour which are added with seasonings and spices, then fry it in hot oil which is a favorite of many people. Chinese Food Well, recently Chef Devina Hermawan shared a recipe for making […]

Chinese Food

Resep Brulee Bomb Dijadikan Cemilan, Walau Tanpa Kentang Tetap Gurih!

Brulee Bomb atau yang biasa dikenal dengan cheese croquette sudah banyak diperbincangkan di media sosial. Makanan ini langsung menjadi camilan alternatif para idola di rumah berkat rasanya yang gurih dan renyah. Read More: Buat Resep Cina Klasik Ini di Rumah Kroket dikenal sebagai kentang goreng yang dibungkus dengan tepung roti. Jika Anda hanya memiliki tepung, […]

Chinese Food

Makanan Ekstrem dari china

Chinese Food, China memiliki tradisi kuliner yang luhur, tidak mengherankan jika dikenal di seluruh dunia. Tetapi negara ini juga menjadi tuan rumah makanan ekstrem, termasuk hidangan daging anjing dan kucing selama Festival Yulin, yang menjadi berita utama di seluruh dunia. Tidak hanya kucing dan anjing yang digunakan dalam masakan tradisional Tiongkok. Katak, laba-laba, keledai hidup, […]