Margarine is Healthier Than Butter, Really?

Margarine is often considered bad for health because it contains high trans fats. However, margarine without trans fat is healthier than butter.

The high trans fat content in margarine is due to the partial hydrogenation process. Excess intake of trans fats can increase levels of “bad” cholesterol or LDL and lower levels of “good” cholesterol or HDL. Western Food

In addition, consumption of trans fats can also increase the risk of chronic diseases. Some of these include heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

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“Margarine (without partial hydrogenation) is a better option than butter for heart health,” said lead researcher Cecily Weber of the University of Minnesota School of Public Health.

This statement is based on a study conducted by Weber and his team on 83 margarines, margarine-like products, blended butter, and regular butter. In this study, researchers attempted to analyze the fatty acid content of all these products and compare them with each other.

The results of the study show that blended margarine and butter products made without the partial hydrogenation process have lower saturated fat and cholesterol content than regular butter. These non-partially hydrogenated margarine and butter blend products also do not contain trans fats. Chinese Food

Researchers also found that the softer the consistency of the margarine, the less saturated fat it contained. The presence of saturated fat allows margarine to become denser at room temperature. Therefore, margarine in tube packaging tends to be healthier than other margarines.

Although margarine without trans fat is healthier than regular butter for the heart, it does not mean that margarine can be consumed at will. Margarine should still be consumed in moderation because margarine still contains saturated fat and also a large energy content.

“Margarine is high in calories per serving,” explains Weber. Indonesian Food

Clinical nutritionist Samantha Heller of NYU Langone Health in New York City says there are healthier options than margarine or butter. The option is vegetable oil. Berita Sepakbola

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