Stop Drinking Coffee, Here Are 4 Healthy Benefits You Can Get!

Not a few people who like to drink coffee, ranging from young people to the elderly. Even today coffee shops are very easy to find. The caffeine content in coffee is a mainstay for many people to stay awake. Coffee itself does have many benefits, such as improving brain function, reducing the risk of stress and helping reduce the risk of liver disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes. Chinese Food

Although there are many benefits, consuming coffee can also cause a number of health problems. One of them is difficulty sleeping at night. Seems trivial, but this can lead to conditions that affect mental and physical health.

Consuming coffee is recommended no more than 400 milligrams per day, because high coffee consumption can have an impact on neurotransmitters in the brain that trigger nausea, nervousness, anxiety, headaches and other problems. Reported by, Thursday (7/10/2021), here are 4 healthy benefits that you can get if you stop drinking coffee. Western Food

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1 Improve Sleep Quality

As is known, although caffeine can increase a person’s energy, on the other hand coffee can also make a person awake. The caffeine in coffee can stay in the blood for up to five hours. Consuming coffee during the day is able to make a person awake at night. But unconsciously, it makes sleep time to be disturbed. If you stop consuming coffee, then you will benefit by having a better quality of sleep. Indonesian Food

2 Improve Oral Health

Another benefit if you reduce or stop drinking coffee will help reduce yellow stains on your teeth and maintain tooth enamel. Because when coffee is consumed in large quantities, this is associated with dull teeth and thinning of the enamel.

3 Boosts Mood

When consuming large amounts of coffee usually will appear bad effects. After increasing focus, there may be feelings of tension, stress, anxiety and decreased concentration. Coffee, which can cause poor sleep quality, can also affect mood. When you stop drinking coffee, you will definitely be calmer during the day.

4 Can Lose Weight

The coffee you consume may contain a lot of sugar and other high-calorie content. This combination can be useful and have a good impact on losing and even gaining weight, because coffee affects appetite and hunger.

No need to rush to stop drinking coffee. Fimela’s friends can benefit from quitting coffee slowly. Come on, try to start limiting by consuming only one cup and replace coffee with other alternatives such as tea. Berita Sepakbola

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