The Development of the Original Kimchi Recipe from Time to Time, Initially Not Using Cabbage

The Development of the Original Kimchi Recipe from Time to Time, Initially Not Using Cabbage

Kimchi is one of the popular specialties from Korea. The large number of citizens making kimchi makes the country’s kitchen the “healthiest kitchen” when compared to other countries. This sour-spicy fermented vegetable can be served as a side dish to almost any traditional food in South Korea.

You may be more familiar with cabbage kimchi, but actually there are many other vegetables that can be processed into this traditional food. Citing several sources, the development of kimchi originated from the desire of the Korean people to make food from agricultural products to support their needs. Chinese Food

The original recipe for kimchi in Korea is not made from cabbage
The Development of Original Kimchi Recipes from Time to Time, Initially Not

The creation of kimchi began when the Korean people experienced agricultural problems — it happened in winter. At that time, people started looking for ways to store food during the winter. The most popular method is to mix salt in various dishes. From there, the Korean people began to master the art of preserving food using salt. Western Food

Then, during the Three Kingdoms period (57 BC – 668 AD), other kingdoms took note of the way Koreans preserved their food. Historical records regarding the existence of this food were also found in this era – written about the skills of the Korean people in preserving food.

In those days, real kimchi was very different from how it looks now. There are no identical red chilies or cabbage vegetables as the main ingredients. Kimchi in its early days, using radishes; which is then dipped in a paste or marinated in brine. Indonesian Food

Types of kimchi began to flourish during the Koryeo Period (918–1392) – trade with other kingdoms continued, and new vegetables were discovered in Korea, one of which was Chinese cabbage.

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During this period, the way kimchi was made changed a lot. Various types of vegetables, spices, and garlic are used to enrich the taste of kimchi. You can find processed cucumber kimchi, green onions, mustard greens, and bamboo shoots. The “watery” style of kimchi serving also appeared at this time, you know!

The kimchi recipe that you know today developed from the Joseon Dynasty (1392–1910), various vegetables and spices were used to prepare this traditional dish. During this time, many Japanese traditions and culture entered Korean kitchens –and vice versa. Berita Sepakbola

Soy sauce is a form of Japanese product that influenced the development of kimchi – providing another way to preserve their food. Not only that, chilies and sweet potatoes were also introduced in Korea. And it can’t be denied, the introduction of chilies changed the kimchi recipe significantly.

During this period, kimchi creations became more varied. Some kimchi makers even add animal protein to the fermentation process. Gyuhab Cheongseo, an encyclopedia for women in 1803, recommends using fermented fish in kimchi.

The most famous kimchi made from Chinese cabbage was also discovered around 200 years ago. Until 1827, there were 92 known types of kimchi. Now, the numbers are increasing – you can already find more than 200 types of kimchi.

It can be said that thanks to trade between countries, there has been an increase in the number of different ingredients and types of kimchi. In the end, you can enjoy a variety of kimchi preparations according to your taste.

What is kimchi?

Kimchi is a typical Korean food made from vegetables. However, at the beginning of its appearance, kimchi was not made from cabbage, but instead used radishes.

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